
This Site 

This site is for the recording of the story, before it is lost, of Farquhar MacRae and his descendants; for the collecting and piecing together of the fragments that are currently widely scattered. It is dedicated to the memory of all those descendants who have gone before, and is for the benefit of the present and future generations.

This site is evolving. Unlike a book, that once published cannot be altered, this site is an ongoing project, changing and fluctuating as new material surfaces. All the content on this site is as accurate as the information currently available. If there are any concerns, omissions or errors kindly let us know.

If you wish to contribute, your contribution will be valued and greatly appreciated. When there is more than one contributor for a particular item, the version that is posted is the one attributed and a general acknowledgement included at the bottom of the page. (Our thanks to all those who have already assisted. Please let us know if we have overlooked acknowledging your input.) If you are a descendant and not sure whether you have something to contribute, please consider contacting us anyway. We would love to hear from you.

We hope, by exploring this site, that you gain a deeper incite into the lives of your ancestors and are inspired to participate in this family history project.

Creative Commons Licence
Except where otherwise noted, "Farquhar MacRae's Descendants" is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Please acknowledge "Farquhar MacRae's Descendants" and the Authors and Contributors if you use or reproduce any of the material on this site. For further information, please contact us using the Contact Form.

Spelling of the Surname 

On this site the family name is spelt in a variety of ways. Unlike the current time in history, the early recording of names was not so rigorous. It was often left to the clerk who was preparing the document to choose the spelling. This means that within the collection of documents relating to a particular person, there may be a variety of spellings. So, in most cases, the spelling that has been chosen here, is that which is seen on the majority of documents for the person whose life is being recorded. In a few cases where there appears to have been a preferred spelling, even if less frequently occurring, the preferred spelling has been used. Here are a few examples:

Christopher McRae 1850 – 1926, preferred “McRae”, which he considered to be the Catholic spelling, and this is the spelling that mostly appears on his documents and those of his descendants. Other branches of the family preferred “MacRae”.
Then there was Ernest and Ewen MacRae, two brothers who both lived in Casino. There are two stories circulating amongst family to explain why Ewen decided to change the spelling of his surname from "MacRae" to "McRae". Was it that the postie had difficulty delivering their mail or was it because Ernest wasn't paying his bills and Ewen did not want to be held liable from them? Either way Ewen decided to change his surname to "McRae" and since that time his descendants have continued to use that spelling.
There are also early records of family members using “McCrea” as in the case of the Marriage Certificate of Mary McCrea and George Rankin, which apart from the passenger list of the “William Nicol” is the only record of her maiden name so far found.

Our Facebook Group

Want to connect with your cousins, plan a reunion and share family stories then join us on our Facebook Group, Descendants of Farquhar MacRae.

The Family Tree 

The MacRae Family Ancestors Simplified Chart (pdf). For privacy reasons this chart only shows the first two generations of the family of Faruqhar MacRae. It is a simplified version of the family tree and is included here to assist readers to identify if they belong to this family.

For those interested in adding to the family tree or exploring further, this site is based on the tree “growing” on FamilySearch. FamilySearch provides a free, state-of the-art facility for recording family history that has links to other online genealogy sites and useful apps, that can, by the sharing of records be used in conjunction with it. If you wish, you can create a free account and explore the family records on this site. (You will be prompted to add your ancestors until you link into the existing tree.)

If at the time of setting up your account, you don’t wish to enter other family members, simply look for the “Family Tree” drop down menu, at the top centre of the page, and then select “Find”. Next select “Find by ID” and enter the record ID for Farquhar MacRae which is LVC2-7VC. It is not possible here to give a full description of the FamilySearch site functions and navigation but once you have the entered Farquhar’s ID you will be able to open his record or view the tree of his descendants. If at any time you need assistance, FamilySearch support can be contacted by selecting “Contact Us” from the drop down menu under “Get Help” at the top right corner of the page. (Please note, these instructions are correct at the time of writing. FamilySearch is continually upgrading their site and so these instructions may become obsolete with time.)

Let's all collaborate together to record our family history for the benefit of future generations. 

References and sources 

References related to specific events and background information are listed at the bottom of the related page. For Birth, Death and Marriage sources refer to the person’s record on FamilySearch. Also in the person’s record on FamilySearch is a Memories tab where you may find additional documents, photos etc., where available. Only a selection of the available historical material has been added to this site.

A Lassie who Piped wi' the Best o' Them
A Lassie who Piped wi' the Best o' Them

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Mary McCrea 1828-1908

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